US: shipping to all states and APO addresses 


WORLDSWIDE: shipping to all countries with prepaid duties



Est. Time


2-7 business days (standard)

Canada 7-14 business days (standard)


5-10 business days (standard


7-12 business days (standard)


 4-9 business days (standard)

United Kingdom

3-8 business days (standard)


3-8 business days (standard)


4-12 business days (standard)

Other 7-15 business days (standard)


Orders placed Monday-Friday before 10AM (PST) will be processed during that day. Orders placed on weekends or public holidays will be handled the following business day.

As soon as your order is shipped out of our warehouse, we’ll provide you with a tracking number via email. If you have any questions regarding your order please contact us at

In order to simplify the shopping process, we ship to most countries worldwide with prepaid duties - so in most cases there's no need to pay anything extra on top of what you've already paid.


Since country customs laws are constantly changing, sometimes international orders will be subject to import duties. If this happens, the following terms and conditions will apply:

1. Import duties and taxes to the destination country are the sole responsibility of the Buyer.

2. Buyer agrees to pay duties and all import fees associated with the shipment.

3. If the buyer voluntarily refuses to accept the shipment due to the cost of import, specifically duties and/or taxes, Piorama shall be allowed to withhold the shipping and fulfillment cost incurred on the order from the Buyer's refund. The refund will be processed when the return shipment has been received by Practiko. If the return shipment on a voluntarily rejected order is not received, no refund is due to the Buyer.

4. On rare occasion the post office in the destination country may require the recipient to contact them to arrange delivery or pickup. In this situation the buyer agrees to make reasonable efforts to contact the post office and clear the package for delivery or make the pickup.

5. The Buyer agrees to these terms and conditions by placing an order with shipping address outside of the United States on